Law Firm THEO
Main business areas
Law Firm THEO specializes in protecting clients' assets and reputation by providing the best solutions possible.

Law Firm THEO specializes in protecting clients' assets and reputation by providing the best solutions possible.
Lawyers Introduction
Our lawyers at Law Firm THEO thoroughly examine the cases and ensure a full service across multiple legal practice areas
including Divorce and Family Law, Personal Insury, Property Damage, Criminal law.
Successful Cases
At Law Firm THEO, we're dedicated to understanding our clients' objectives and
help them navigate through complex situations in life and law.
Incheon Headquarters Address
Yongin Branch Office
Dongtan Branch Office
Seoul Branch Office
Busan Branch Office
Yeonsu Branch Office
Incheon Headquarters
- Address: 9th Floor, 907, Metro City, 392 Ieum-daero, Seo-gu, Incheo
- TEL: 1800-8299 | FAX: 032-724-8387 | Email:
Yongin Branch Office
- Address: 6801 Dongbaek 4-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Dongtan Branch Office
- Address: Block C7, Heymi City Signature Sales Facility, Dongtan Yemi Signature, 3-304, Dongtan 2nd District, Osan-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
Seoul Branch Office
- Address: 2nd Floor, Suite 21, Main Building, 12 Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul
Busan Branch Office
- Address: 3rd Floor, Units 43-44, Daerim e-Pyeonhan Sesang Shopping Mall, 80 Myeongji International 2-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan
Yeonsu Branch Office
- 3rd floor, 106 Beotkkot-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (Cheonghak-dong, Yeonsu Square Plaza)